Wednesday, May 9, 2007


See Jabari Asim at the Decatur Library
Asim on the Colbert Report

  • 7:15 pm: The Georgia Center for the Book hosts Jabari Asim, deputy editor of the Washington Post Book World and an essayist on popular culture for national magazines. Asim discusses a provocative topic in his new book, The N Word: Who Can Say It, Who Shouldn't and Why. He believes there is a place in this world for its usage - but only in the mouths and pens of those who truly understand its twisted history, whether Mark Twain, Dave Chappelle or Mos Def, 404.370.8450
  • 8 pm: Eddie's Attic presents Paul Sanchez (formerly of Cowboy Mouth) and Sonia Tetlow (of Cowboy Mouth), 404.377.4976
  • 8:30 pm: Java Monkey hosts its weekly Wednesday Bluegrass series, 404.378.5002


Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to this book talk. Mostly I am curious to see if the subject really supports a book--or could it better have been addressed by a long article? I know that guy is a good writer.

Anonymous said...

It does seem more like an essay topic, than book subject...However, Asim held his own on the Colbert Report and there's something to be said for that!